Thursday, May 1, 2014

Retirement and setting a goal

Lisa and I have recently retired (last Dec. 31st) and wanted to do something with our time that was a bit challenging yet was attainable within a year, possibly two, without making the goal the sole purpose of our time together. We set a goal of visiting, camping, and writing about all the state parks in Idaho -- all 30 of them (we're finding there's actually discussion on how many there really are... I hope we'll find out the truth to this during our quest). Although we live just across the border into Washington, we went to college, lived and worked in Idaho for 16 or so years and return often.

At this point, we're using the blog to record our notes. Many notes may be very rough, but over time, we'll edit, insert photos, and clean things up. Our ultimate goal? Publish a book???

If you have any comments, want to add information that we've missed or correct us on any mistakes, please add a comment or drop us a line.  Also, if this has provided you some useful information, we'd like to hear about it. Really, we don't really want to do all this in a vacuum, so we like to hear from you.

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